Foot Soaks

Foot Soaks

Foot Soaks

Why choose a foot soak?

A foot soak is more than just relaxing with your feet in warm or hot water.  It’s what you add to the water that makes a foot soak beneficial.  Soaking your feet may soften skin, reduce inflammation, decrease muscle aches and tension.  Soaks with magnesium also help relieve stress and can lessen muscle cramps.

Benefits you may experience:

  • Increase circulation
  • Fight fatigue
  • Eliminate toxins
  • Reduce depression and anxiety
  • Soften and Moisturize feet

We offer a 30-40 minute session that includes soaking your feet in warm water and your choice of a variety of salts and essential oils targeted towards your goals for the session.  Each session ends with a massage of your feet and lower legs. Leave relaxed, rejuvenated and on the road to healing.

Basic foot soaks include 5 minutes of massage per leg and choice of any single salt + 1 oil. Deluxe foot soaks include 10 minutes of massage per leg and choice of any single salt + 2 essential oils or an oil blend from our menu.

Make your appointment today to experience the benefits of foot soaks with healing salts and essential oils. 

 Foot soak prices:
    • Basic $30
    • Deluxe $45
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